As I reminisce back to the early days of this new millenium when Mama Moses became Nana Tubman, the first known ancestor to become a Queen Mother posthumously in Ghana, I realize that when I revise this book that perhaps I should change the title to NANA MOSES AND MOTHER TRUTH... I realize also that I must get around to writing the fascinating story of the Enstoolment followed by the great ceremony of the street naming and Tubman statue unveiling in the ancestral homeland on August 15, 2005. However, other than those ponderings, I still enjoy reading over this literary birth child detailing the thought-provoking life similarities of these humbly proud, enterprising, adventurous and highly mystical contributors. Yes, yes, I know I wrote it, but even reading my own work, a smile slowly crosses the horizon of my soul as I think about how with the Creator's constant assistance, guidance, and generous subsidizing, Nana Tubman and Mother Truth made, as the Southern elders used to say, "a way out of no way."
Although I've engaged in historical research "since way back when", I principally think of myself as an ancestral storyteller; thus, I tell my stories, both on paper and in person, as that ancestral storyteller. In this particular work, I labor to share elements and avenues of these liberty-embracers' lives that are not so well known or emphasized in the numerous literary offerings available about them.
I talk to you here about Mother Truth trodding through the country with her precious little sidekick, Sammy Banks (her grandson) in an arduous effort to get land for the freed but impoverished bondspersons. She is noted for her work with the women's rights movement of the day, yet the story of her relentless work on behalf of her enslaved sisters and brothers sometimes languishes in the literary shadows. They are ushered out to take center stage in MAMA MOSES AND MOTHER TRUTH.
In the last few years questions have been raised by scholars as to whether Nana Tubman freed 300 (the usual figure given over the decades) or less than a hundred slaves. This work gives emphasis to the fact that this figure could rise to nearly 800, as we focus on her daring contribution as the first woman in American military history to plan and lead a military expedition--one in which 750 Gullah ricefield slaves tasted the enchanting joy of pure freedom--and in which not one single life was lost of those accompanying Mama Moses and her co-leader, Col. James A. Montgomery on this raid in South Carolina that June of 1863.
But 'nuff said, let me not give too much of the story away. You'll undoubtedly want to vicariously share the adventure of these great humanitarians' lives through exploring the pages of MAMA MOSES AND MOTHER TRUTH--Life Links as Mystics and Freedom Masters--a historical first in concisely relating twelve major commonalities in their life journeys--from their love lives to their work as entrepreneurs to their dedication as oftentimes penniless but ever Spirit-wealthy ancestral humanitarians.
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