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The Ancestral Spirit
Monday, 8 September 2008

 As I reminisce back to the early days of this new millenium when  Mama Moses became Nana Tubman, the first known ancestor to become a Queen Mother posthumously in Ghana, I realize that when I revise this book that perhaps I should change the title to NANA MOSES AND MOTHER TRUTH...  I realize also that I must get around to writing the fascinating story of the Enstoolment followed by the great ceremony of the street naming and Tubman statue unveiling in the ancestral homeland on August 15, 2005.  However, other than those ponderings, I still enjoy reading over this literary birth child detailing the thought-provoking life similarities of these humbly proud, enterprising, adventurous and highly mystical contributors.  Yes, yes, I know I wrote it, but even reading my own work, a smile slowly crosses the horizon of my soul as I think about how with the Creator's constant assistance, guidance, and generous subsidizing, Nana Tubman and Mother Truth made, as the Southern elders used to say, "a way out of no way." 

Although I've engaged in historical research "since way back when", I principally think of myself as an ancestral storyteller; thus, I tell my stories, both on paper and in person, as that ancestral storyteller.  In this particular work, I labor to share elements and avenues of these liberty-embracers' lives that are not so well known or emphasized in the numerous literary offerings available about them.

I talk to you here about Mother Truth trodding through the country with her precious little sidekick, Sammy Banks (her grandson) in an arduous effort to get land for the freed but impoverished bondspersons.  She is noted for her work with the women's rights movement of the day, yet the story of her relentless work on behalf of her enslaved sisters and brothers sometimes languishes in the literary shadows.  They are ushered out to take center stage in MAMA MOSES AND MOTHER TRUTH. 

In the last few years questions have been raised by scholars as to whether Nana Tubman freed 300 (the usual figure given over the decades) or less than a hundred slaves.  This work gives emphasis to the fact that this figure could rise to nearly 800, as we focus on her daring contribution as the first woman in American military history to plan and lead a military expedition--one in which 750 Gullah ricefield slaves tasted the enchanting joy of pure freedom--and in which not one single life was lost of those accompanying Mama Moses and her co-leader, Col. James A. Montgomery on this  raid in South Carolina that June of 1863.

But 'nuff said, let me not give too much of the story away.  You'll undoubtedly want to vicariously share the adventure of these great humanitarians' lives through exploring the pages of MAMA MOSES AND MOTHER TRUTH--Life Links as Mystics and Freedom Masters--a historical first in concisely relating twelve major commonalities in their life journeys--from their love lives to their work as entrepreneurs to their dedication as oftentimes penniless but ever Spirit-wealthy ancestral humanitarians.

You can order the book immediately by credit card on the secure PayPal site ($15.00--postpaid--add $2 for each additional cd ordered).  Click the following link: Click the following link:
Solution Graphics

For those who prefer to order by mail, print out the following form and send along with payment of $15 (postpaid)--(plus $2 for each additional copy) to:

L. Cousins-Newton, Director/Ancestral ProMotions
593 Vanderbilt Avenue--#189
Brooklyn, NY 11238-3512, USA


Name ________________________________________________________

Street ______________________________________________________

City, State, Zip_____________________________________________

Phone Number_________________________________________________

Email _______________________________________________________

International residents, add  $6.00 postage for initial order, $2  for each additional cd. For further information, e-mail Akan@aol.com or contact us at 718/398-8941; 718/783-1951 (fax).



Posted by amasewa at 2:03 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 8 September 2008 4:04 PM EDT
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Vera Chase, The Bahamas' "Phenomenal Woman"

The great poet, Maya Angelou, penned the ever-popular poem, "Phenomenal Woman".  When I ponder the powerful yet humble sacred sisters who have crossed my life path, I realize that I have been blessed to have met and related to a huge bouquet of phenomenal women souls.

One of the most exquisite flowers in that bouquet is the Bahamian cultural blossom, Vera Chase.  President of the Commonwealth Writers of The Bahamas, Vera, along with hard-working members of the organization, have done so very much to bless the writers of the lovely Bahamas, both youth and elders.  They host booksignings, writers' conferences, networking events, retreats, contests, lectures and workshops in varied venues, including schools in Nassau and the Family Islands.  In addition, the organization  even hosts a radio show for writers appropriately called "Writing the Region".  (Will be so-oo-oo glad when we can tune in via the Internet.)

A native of Cat Island, one of The Bahamas' culture-rich Family Islands, Vera is not only a mentor to aspiring authors but is the literary mother of a number of titles herself, including the work, PIRATES PARADISE.  She also is supremely creative in the kitchen, stirring up some tasty pastries and tropical jams that will make you smile all the way down to the soul level.

I adore the soul of this magnificent sacred sister because despite her numerous talents and myriad accomplishments, she remains ever warm and wise, humble and humorous, spiritual and sensational.  Can't wait to get back to Nassau's Labour Day Junkanoo Rushout and all of the trimmings (including cracked conch) and some of Mrs. Remelda Davis' delectable fish dinners with my Bahamian storytelling Junkanoo husband, "Papa" Newton,  as Ira Storr sings "Down at the Fish Fry" (Arawak Cay.) 

Vera will be off the island for a short spell during the Labour Day period because Cat Island's first bank will be opening, and this fabulous literary lady and lover of God, has been among the first honorees invited to be present.  Why?--because as a long-time bank employee, Vera deplored the fact that there was no adequate banking system in Cat Island and that many of the folks there were still burying their savings in the ground near palm trees!  She spoke frequently of this need to the movers and shakers in the financial sector, wheels were eventually set in motion, and now at the perfect time--Labour Day--the islanders will be blessed with a bank right on their home grounds.  The great Bahamian patriot, Sir Milo Butler, whom Vera, an entrancing storyteller, met and served as a young bank teller must be smiling in the Heavens. 

(You should hear Vera tell the spellbinding story of when Sir Milo strode into her workplace and demanded that more Black Bahamians be hired in positions of prominence there.)  I'm a storyteller myself so I appreciate a great ancestral story, and as my Georgia-born grand-mama, Anna Pearl, might've said had she met my Bahamian sister storyteller, Vera, "That chile can sho' nuff tell up some stories!"  As cross-cultural artpreneurs, Vera has joined the National Association of Black Storytellers (NABS) on this side of the Atlantic and I will be joining and continuing to support The Commonwealth Writers of The Bahamas.  Sir Milo Butler is a great Bahamian contributor of bygone days.  Vera Chase is a contemporary great Bahamian contributor of this day and age.  I recognize her as one of God's artistic earth angels.  (BTW, Vera's blog, Cat Island Writer, can be found on Yahoo!) 












Posted by amasewa at 2:31 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 4 September 2008 2:56 PM EDT
Saturday, 29 December 2007

One of the most fabulous additions to the 2007 global cultural scene was the birth of Dr. Desiree Cox's debut cd, AWAKENINGS.  Among The Bahamas' most brilliant contemporary contributors, Desiree Cox has blessed the universe over the years with her gifts as a healer (medical doctor and Reiki master--a unique combination), scholar (the country's first Rhodes scholar), writer (short stories in the island rhythm and thought-provoking essays), and now with the entrance of the Awakenings cd--soul tantalizing music which can best be described as "silken songs with satin tones", positioning her as a songwriter/vocalist au extraordinaire.   Hear the podcast about Awakenings and sample musical tidbits at: http://web.mac.com/amasewa/  (click on Blog link at the top of the page, and access the podcast from there.)

When I want to lift the vibrations in my home office to one of  pure peace and beauty as I go about my day's work, Awakenings, which is always in reaching distance, is one of the primary musical offerings I choose for such enjoyment and soul elevation.

Loving to experience artists and other progressive persons globally networking, I thought today about Desiree's collaboration across the Atlantic with the phenomenal musician, educator, and sound engineer, the late Andrei Strobert and her work becoming his last proud project while on this plane.  Just pulled Andrei's "Spirit Within Us" tape off my shelves to listen to as I create this blog and followed it up with a listen to his beloved brother, Ricardo Strobert's "Homeland".  Ricardo plays sax and flute on Awakenings.  I know that Andrei is proud from the heavenly realm of the dedication of this magnificent musical creation to him and that Ricardo must embrace a smile of delight as the work to which he and his brother and friend contributed begins its cultural travels to homes and music-enjoying souls around the globe.  

I know that you will want to be one of the "music-enjoying souls" to become a possessor of Awakenings and to share the cultural wealth with friends, family, and colleagues.   God simply could not cease sharing the wealth when Desiree was in the blessings line.  She has now blossomed into an accomplished visual artist as well as exemplified by her artwork on the Awakenings cd (see opening graphics.)  As I said in the podcast, I know you will want to own this magnificent work.  Just get in contact:  Akan@aol.com or call Ancestral Promotions at 718-398-8941, and let's make that a reality for you and/or your  beloveds  tres pronto. 

You can also order the cd immediately by credit card on the secure PayPal site ($19.00--postpaid--add $1 for each additional cd ordered).  Click the following link:
Solution Graphics
For those who prefer to order by mail, print out the following form and send along with payment of $19 (postpaid) to:

L. Cousins-Newton, Director/Ancestral ProMotions
593 Vanderbilt Avenue--#189
Brooklyn, NY 11238-3512, USA


Name ________________________________________________________

Street ______________________________________________________

City, State, Zip_____________________________________________

Phone Number_________________________________________________

Email _______________________________________________________

U. S. residents: Add $1.00 additional postage/handling for each extra cd ordered. International residents, add  $5.00 postage for initial order, $1.50  for each additional cd. For further information, e-mail Akan@aol.com or contact us at 718/398-8941; 718/783-1951 (fax).

  Awakenings with its silken songs and satin tones is music therapy--pure music healing via the mega-talented "singing doctor", Desiree Cox.

 --Linda Cousins-Newton

Dr. Desiree Cox - Vocalist/Songwriter/Producer

AWAKENINGS - Contemporary Smooth Jazz with an Edgy   Eastern Feel



Posted by amasewa at 3:30 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 1 January 2008 2:52 PM EST

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